Holding one mother’s hand at a time…

Birth Doula Services

Doula In The City provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support throughout pregnancy, labor, and delivery. During prenatal visits we will assist with creating a birth plan, comfort measures will be demonstrated, and you will receive support in advocating for your birth desires. Services focus keenly on helping clients identify, develop, and unapologetically own the terms of pregnancy and birth at every stage. Our goal at DITC is to ensure you are confident, well prepared, and have the resources you need to make informed decisions.

Postpartum Doula Services

Doula In The City is available to provide support to mothers and their partners during the “fourth trimester” and help navigate the late nights and early morning’s following birth. When a postpartum care visit is scheduled, parents receive a variety of services including newborn care, bottle cleaning, organizing, rest, and self care. A postpartum visit is also helpful in determining how to best care for yourself with a new baby and constant change.